Established in 2011 in Bengaluru, The Purple Ink Studio is a multifaceted architecture practice that is Young, Experimental, and Ambitious. Conceived by Aditi Pai and Akshay Heranjal, as the Principals along with Nishita Bhatia & Arpita Pai, the Studio has grown into a Highly Collaborative Practice, with a core group of Design Associates who bring in varied skill sets to the process. The Practice passionately believes in an approach that is Layered, Contextual, and Experimental in Nature. The studio is exploring various scales and typologies with a constant search to engineer new ways of blurring the boundaries between architecture and landscape. With a Highly Personalized approach, every project undertaken is process-driven, typically by a close-knit team that sees the project through in its totality. In less than a decade, the studio has gained recognition worldwide by winning numerous National & International Awards. The works of The Purple Ink Studio are also extensively published both in digital and print media. The Studio has won 7 International Awards, 16 Indian Awards, and 15 Shortlists in the last decade since its inception. The Studio was listed by PERSPECTIVE 40under40 ASIA in Hongkong (2017) - as one of the 40 creative architects in Asia under the age of 40 who will shape the design world in the decades to come and by iGEN (2017) as the Top 50 Next-Gen Architects who will shape India, also winning the ‘Best Practice in India 2016’ award from TRENDS EXCELLENCE AWARDS and the WADE Asia 2017 Young Architect of the Year award, amongst other numerous National & International Honors.
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