Farsa Buildesign

Farsa Buildesign

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Our expert architectural knowledge and experience allow us to follow your brief carefully: creating seamless, stunning spaces that will inspire admiration whilst maximizing returns on your investment. We create unique architectural designs to fit our client’s special needs; we understand that every project requires an open mind and a new way of thinking. We pay attention to what our clients are asking of us and always keep in mind that this is always the client’s project being developed. Whether the project is a small residential addition or a big commercial, each client deserves to see their dream become a reality. We at FARSA BUILdesign take great pride in providing the client with the architectural services that help see their passion become built. FARSA BUILdesign is a firm that offers a wide range of services, from preliminary site analysis and entitlements to architectural design, interior design, landscape design, engineering, and construction.

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Based In
Manjeri, Kerala
Founded In
Dr. Rahoof's Residence
Dr. Rahoof's Residence
7500 sq. ft.
10886 sq. ft.
Risiyas Farsa
Principal Architect
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